Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing Home Abuse

You placed your trust in a nursing home to care for your family member or loved one, and now you suspect abuse, sadly you are not alone. Nursing home abuse among the elderly is on the rise. Each year, 1 out of every 4 nursing homes is cited as causing injury or death to a resident.

Your financial situation is not a concern to have access to justice. Our team of lawyers are experience with nursing home abuse cases and we can help you fight back against the abusers and get the compensation your loved one deserves.

What is nursing home abuse?

Abuse appears in many forms – ranging from emotional abuse to neglect or physical assault. Many times, elderly citizens are the most vulnerable and susceptible to abuse, including those with dementia or disabilities that prohibits them from communicating warning signs of abuse. No matter what form nursing home abuse takes, it is against the law and it must be stopped.

Nursing home abuse is rarely reported to the proper authorities. Residents at nursing homes who are victims of abuse may be hesitant to come forward to complain out of fear of retaliation from abusive nursing home staff or embarrassment. Friends and family of a nursing home abuse victim may be unaware of the common signs to look for of abuse.

Know the Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

If you notice warning signs of nursing home abuse, take immediate action. Warning signs may include:

  • Bedsores or pressure ulcers
  • Falls
  • Fractured bones
  • Head injuries
  • Weight loss
  • Malnutrition
  • Dehydration
  • Medication errors
  • Insufficient staffing
  • Abandoned residents
  • Bruising/lacerations
  • Poor hygiene
  • Unsanitary living conditions
  • Rapid health decline
  • Infections
  • Contractures (hardening of muscles or joints)
  • Unreasonable physical restraints
  • Slapping, pushing, shaking, beating

Compensation awarded to victims of nursing home abuse not only compensate individual victims or loved ones, but they also encourage all nursing homes provide better care to their residents.

Zero Tolerance for Nursing Home Abuse

You or your loved one does not have to tolerate sub-standard living conditions. Our team can fight to protect your family member, regardless of his or her state of health, and seek justice for those in the case of wrongful death. Many Kansas nursing homes are understaffed, underfunded, and operated by unqualified individuals who do not care about your loved one.

If a member of your family is a victim of nursing home abuse or neglect, contact a nursing home abuse lawyer at Patterson Legal Group, LC for a free consultation and case evaluation. Our team is experienced serving the victims of injury, neglect, and abuse to recovery financial compensation for the damages they’ve suffered. Call us today at (888) 687-2400

Case Results

  • $550,000: Motorcyclist Killed
  • $540,000: Truck/Train Collision
  • $725,000: Auto Accident by car running stop sign; multiple blunt force injuries resulting in death
  • $290,000: ATV Accident
  • $2,650,000: Vehicle Rollover Accident
  • $500,000: Tow-Truck Operator Struck and Killed
  • $1,000,000: Auto Accident
  • $500,000: Auto Accident

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Joyce T.

Thank you for Deanna listening to all my crying and whining, she was great moral support for me throughout this process. Kenton, thank you, you are a very good lawyer!

Kent F.

They were very helpful, filling out paper work, getting things filled out and returned took it one step at a time to get things done.

FD and JD

We were very pleased the way our accident was handled. It was a surprise when Gary went to the hospital to visit with us a short time after he was contacted. Thank you so much.


Friendly Staff, quick responses to inquiries.

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