Kansas City Rideshare Accident Lawyer

Rideshare apps like Uber and Lyft are everywhere. They offer a quick and easy way to get around, perfect for a night on the town or a simple errand. But what if your ride takes a turn for the worse? A Kansas City rideshare accident lawyer from Patterson Legal Group can help if you’re injured in a rideshare accident, ensuring you recover the compensation you deserve.

Our Kansas City personal injury attorneys are ready to hear about your case during a free consultation. To get started, call us at (816) 920-0000.

Kansas City rideshare accident lawyer

Causes of Rideshare Accidents in Kansas City

Rideshare accidents share common causes with regular car accidents, but with a few twists:

  • Distracted Drivers: Rideshare trips often involve using phones for navigation and managing rides, increasing distraction risks.
  • External Factors: Like any car accident, bad weather or road conditions can play a role.
  • Impaired Driving: Unfortunately, some rideshare drivers work under the influence of both marijuana or alcohol.
  • Reckless Driving: Pressure to meet quotas or complete more rides can tempt drivers to speed or make risky maneuvers.
  • Vehicle Issues: Faulty parts, worn tires, and other vehicle issues can cause rideshare accidents.

No matter what caused your accident, a Kansas City, Missouri rideshare accident lawyer is ready to review your case. Contact us today to see if you have a valid personal injury claim

Why Are Rideshare Accidents Different? 

Rideshare accidents introduce a complex web of insurance policies that can be difficult to navigate on your own, especially if you are healing from a potentially catastrophic injury. Unlike a standard car accident with two parties involved, rideshare crashes can involve multiple insurance companies and coverage phases, depending on the specific circumstances of your accident. 

The exact coverage that applies depends on the specific phase of the rideshare driver’s activity at the time of the accident. For example, the coverage can differ if the driver was logged on to the app during the accident and waiting for a request. Additionally, the coverage varies if there was a passenger in the car versus if they were logged out of the rideshare app entirely. 

Along with multiple insurance companies being involved, rideshare accidents can be more complicated because of: 

  • Driver Classification: Rideshare companies classify drivers as independent contractors, not employees. This muddies the water regarding responsibility for driver actions. An experienced Missouri car accident attorney can help sort through these classifications and determine the best course of action.
  • Unique Accident Scenarios: Ridesharing accidents can happen in various phases of a trip. Was the driver logged into the app but waiting for a ride? Was a passenger already in the car? The specific circumstances of the accident significantly impact which insurance applies and who may be liable.
  • Evidence Collection: In rideshare accidents, evidence like app data and driver records become crucial. Rideshare companies have this information, but obtaining it often requires legal steps.

A Kansas City rideshare accident lawyer can navigate these complicated legal issues, counter the often deceitful tactics used by insurance companies, and protect your rights to ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries.

A Kansas City Rideshare Accident Lawyer Can Get You Compensation

Kansas City rideshare accidents can leave you with unexpected expenses. Here’s what you might be entitled to recover, depending on the details of your case:

You shouldn’t have to pay for the damage someone else’s negligence or recklessness caused. With the help of a Kansas City rideshare wreck lawyer, you can be sure that you will receive the compensation you deserve. 

Contact a Kansas City Rideshare Accident Lawyer at Patterson Legal Group

The aftermath of a rideshare accident can be physically, emotionally, and financially draining. Don’t add the burden of a complex legal battle. A Missouri rideshare accident lawyer in Kansas City can fight for the compensation you deserve while you focus on healing. 

Your case evaluation is completely free, and you pay nothing until we win thanks to our “no win, no fee” policy.

Reach out to our dedicated team today by giving us a call at (816) 920-0000, or contact us via LiveChat. You can also fill out a FREE online form to get started.