Five Bicycle Safety Tips For National Bike Month

May is a fantastic month for bicyclists. Not only is it National Bike Month, but it’s also Bike to Work Week from May 15-21 and Bike to Work Day on May 19. Patterson Legal Group loves seeing our family and friends in Kansas and Missouri hitting the road on their bikes, but also wants them to ride safely. With that in mind, our team offers five safety tips to avoid bicycle accidents during National Bike Month and throughout the year.
Five Important Bicycle Safety Tips For National Bike Month
Although there are many factors that go into proper bicycle safety, many of the best and most crucial safety tips are easy to follow. Please take some time during National Bike Month to review your safety practices and educate the bicyclists in your household about bike safety. Here are five tips to start you off.
- Always Wear a Helmet: Kansas and Missouri do not have bicycle helmet requirements at the state level. However, helmets may be required under local laws. Be sure to check with your city hall to make sure of the legal requirements. Regardless of whether helmets are required or not, our team strongly recommends wearing one. Be sure that your helmet fits comfortably and properly. If you’re new to biking then check out these helmet recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Be Visible: being seen by motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians is vital to avoiding accidents. Whether it’s day or night, be sure to wear bright colors while riding your bike. Clothing with reflective strips is even better. Make sure that your bicycle is equipped with reflectors and lights. The former will help others see you, while the latter will help you see road conditions more clearly.
- Always Be Scanning: you know that old salesperson adage of ABC (always be closing)? Bicyclists should follow the ABS rule–always be scanning. While it’s easy to get lost in the enjoyment of a great ride, you should always be scanning the road ahead for potential hazards such as potholes, debris, or parked cars that might open their doors. Keep an eye on the road ahead so that you can quickly react to any obstacles.
- Use Hand Signals: while some bikers rely on blinkers, they can be too small for some motorists to see. Using hand signals to indicate that you’re turning is more visible and easier for drivers to spot. Using hand signals is a small effort that can be a big factor in avoiding collisions.
- Zen and the Art of Bicycle Maintenance: check your bike regularly for any signs of wear or damage, such as tire pressure, brake wear, and chain lubrication. Keeping your bike clean and properly lubricated can help you avoid an easily-preventable accident.
Contact a Bicycle Accident Lawyer
The team at Patterson Legal Group hopes that you have a wonderful National Bike Month. Please be sure to share the safety tips above with your family and friends in order to keep them safe on the road. Do keep in mind that no matter how great your bicycle safety practices are, accidents can still happen. Should you or a loved one suffer an injury while biking then contact us for immediate assistance.
The trial lawyers at Patterson Legal Group have been representing injury victims in Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma for more than 25 years. Our team has established a long history of winning full and fair settlements for our clients while treating them with unmatched customer service. Contact us today and you’ll quickly find out why we’re one of the Midwest’s most trusted personal injury law firms.
You can our team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone at (888) 687-2400 and online through LiveChat or secure contact form. Consultations are free and we work on a “no win, no fee” basis, so you don’t pay a cent unless money has been won on your behalf. To help make sure that you get the compensation that you deserve for your injuries, call Patterson Legal Group today.
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