Compensation for Your Pain and Suffering
Victims of an accident can experience physical pain and psychological distress. This pain and suffering can negatively impact a person’s life for a significant period of time after the incident occurs.
Here’s an example of how pain and suffering can affect a person’s life after they’ve been hurt in wreck in Kansas:
Heather was driving to her classes at Washburn University one day. As she waited at a stop light, her compact car was rear-ended by a speeding SUV. That moment of impact changed Heather’s life dramatically.
After the accident, she began to have blinding migraines, and her neck and back ached so badly that she could not sleep. She tried to keep up with her previous schedule of school and two part-time jobs, but the pain won out. Ultimately, Heather’s pain and suffering caused her to drop two of her classes, as well as a drop in grades for her remaining classes. She also ended up quitting one job, thereby causing her to move back in with her parents.
So, how can a lawyer help determine fair compensation for Heather after experiencing these losses?
How Do Lawyers Determine Pain and Suffering?
In an accident claim, insurance adjusters examine two categories of damages: special damages and general damages. Special damages are measurable and include things such as medical bills or loss of income. General damages are often intangible and can be difficult to measure.
Pain and suffering falls under the general damages category. Pain and suffering damages include stress, anxiety, and depression. They also include lost opportunities, such as the delay in graduation for Heather.
Additionally, loss of quality of life is included in general damages. An example of this would be the inability to pick up a baby, missing family events because of psychological injuries, or any permanent physical disfigurement or disability.
Negotiating Compensation for Your Injury Settlement
Insurance adjusters have a reputation for not paying fair amounts of compensation to cover pain and suffering after an accident. At Patterson Legal Group, our legal team has the necessary experience required to know how to work with adjusters. We also know how to successfully litigate cases and negotiate fair settlements where pain and suffering are significant factors.
To do this we will calculate a total of your losses caused by your pain and suffering by reviewing medical records and statements provided by first-hand witnesses to your loss of quality of life. Then, special care will be given to build your story of pain and suffering in order to effectively present how your accident has drastically impacted you and your loved ones.
When it comes to your pain and suffering, you shouldn’t settle for less from an insurance company. Our representatives are available 24/7 to assist you. Connect with us online via LiveChat or call us today for a free consultation at 888-687-2400 to learn how Patterson Legal Group will fight to get you a fair compensation after an accident.
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