The Inspiration for Flower Girl

Painting of Child in GardenIn the hallway at Patterson Legal Group, you will find a painting depicting a young girl surrounded by flowers. It’s one of the many framed prints created by our own Gary Patterson, and the story behind his inspiration to paint it is pretty serendipitous.

During a trip several months ago, Gary sat next to a woman who was browsing through family pictures on her iPad. She held her gaze on a particular photo, and he commented that it was phenomenal. The woman explained that not only was the subject matter her granddaughter, but that it was taken at Botanica Gardens in Wichita, and had taken first place in a photo contest there.

A few more minutes of conversation revealed that the woman happened to be the daughter of one of Wichita’s most successful trial lawyers, Gerald Michaud. The photo was Michaud’s great granddaughter.

Before revealing the background story behind the painting we asked our Facebook followers to caption the photo. Some our favorites include, “Peaceful Gardens,” “Innocence,” and a woman who compared the image to one she routinely sees in her dreams of her daughter in heaven.

In the court room, Gary is focused, professional and determined to represent his clients until they get what they deserve. Behind the suit and tie, he’s incredibly creative. In addition to being a talented painter, he also plays a musical instrument, and even designed the Patterson Legal Group sign that welcomes clients above the entry way door.

Gary Patterson designed the Patterson Legal Group sign that welcomes clients above the entry way door

As Paul Harvey used to say, now you know, “the REST of the story.” Though Mr. Michaud is no longer alive, we think he would be pleased to know that a photo of his great granddaughter was the inspiration for a painting that now hangs in a law firm. We know we certainly think about his legacy when we look at it.

Gary’s Process for the Flower Girl Painting