How Many Hours Do You Have to Report an Accident at Work?

workers comp deadlines

Were you injured while on the job? Did you experience a permanent disability you believe may be work-related? Don’t delay in seeking medical attention and reporting your work accident to your employer. Then, make sure you seek legal counsel to learn more about your options.

Call us 24/7 at (888) 687-2400 for a FREE consultation. You may be entitled to compensation for your work injury. You can also conveniently contact us online via LiveChat and through an encrypted contact form.

Three Kansas Workers’ Comp Deadlines to Know 

In Kansas, per K.S.A. 44-520, your work injury claim may be denied if you fail to provide notice to your employer of your work-related injury/illness or request workers’ compensation benefits within:

  1. 10 days after the last day actually worked (if you are no longer employed by your employer)
  2. 20 days from the date medical treatment is sought (if you are still working for your employer)
  3. 20 days from the date of accident or the statutory date of injury in the case of repetitive trauma as carpal tunnel syndrome)

The notice may either be given orally or in writing and must include the time, date, place, your name, and the particulars of your work-related accident. If you’re not sure who to submit your notice to, report your injury to your direct supervisor and Human Resources. 

Your Employer’s Responsibilities After a Work Accident

work-related accident deadlines

Conversely, your employer is responsible for making sure that you understand your rights and responsibilities in obtaining compensation via a written notice. They are also required to pay you compensation for your injury or illness in accordance with the Kansas Workers Compensation Act, regardless of insurance coverage.

This includes making sure that you are provided medical treatment that is reasonably necessary to cure or to relieve the effects of any work-related injuries you suffered. Your employer can also select the health care provider where you receive any authorized treatments. Or, you may seek the services of an unauthorized doctor up to a limit of $500.00. 

You may also be eligible for travel reimbursement when you obtain medical treatment per the payable rate set by law for trips that are five miles or more (round trip).

Injured While Working in Kansas? Contact Patterson Legal Group

Patterson Legal Group hopes that you found this work-related accident deadline information helpful. Should you or a family member have questions and need help working through the workers’ compensation process, please contact us immediately. Our experienced legal team is prepared to help you evaluate your claim to determine if you may be eligible for compensation. 

Consultations are free. You can reach us by phone at 888-687-2400 and through the Internet via LiveChat and secure contact form.

The information on this blog is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to serve as legal advice for an individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship nor does viewing this material constitute an attorney-client relationship.