St. Joseph Animal Attack Lawyer

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), specialty pet ownership is at an all-time high in the United States. Between 2011 and 2016 alone, specialty or exotic pet ownership increased by 26%. The 2017– 2018 Pet Ownership and Demographics Sourcebook states that 13% of survey respondents reported having a specialty pet, which includes animals like snakes, lizards, poultry, livestock, rodents, fish, and beyond. That’s in addition to the 38.4% of households that own dogs, 25.4% that own cats, 2.8% that own birds, and 0.7% that own horses.
While most family pets are friendly or at least well-behaved around people, some pets will bite or attack others if scared, provoked, or not properly confined. If you have been the victim of an animal attack, you may wonder what kind of compensation is available to you. If your injuries are particularly severe or you lost a loved one, you may even wonder if you need to hire a St. Joseph animal attack lawyer. Learn more about pet owner liability from the personal injury lawyers at Patterson Legal Group.
Are Exotic Animals Allowed in Missouri?
Missouri outlaws the ownership of dangerous wild animals unless you have registered the animal with your local law enforcement agency. Per the Revised Statutes of Missouri section 578.023, animals that must be registered include “any lion, tiger, leopard, ocelot, jaguar, cheetah, margay, mountain lion, Canada lynx, bobcat, jaguarundi, hyena, wolf, bear, nonhuman primate, coyote, any deadly, dangerous, or poisonous reptile, or any deadly or dangerous reptile over eight feet long.”
Who Is Liable for Exotic Animal Attacks?
Missouri has a strict liability approach when it comes to dog bite injuries—if a dog bites someone unprovoked, the dog’s owner is responsible for that person’s injuries. The same is true for the dangerous wild animals named above.
In fact, all persons who own a large carnivore (a designation that includes large cats and bears) are also required to carry at least $250,000 in liability insurance in the event that their animal injures or kills a person (see Revised Statutes of Missouri section 578.610). In cases of severe and catastrophic injuries caused by large carnivores, your damages may exceed the minimum policy limit and you may need to file a personal injury lawsuit with the help of a St. Joseph animal attack lawyer.
If you suffered an animal attack by a dangerous wild animal that was being unlawfully kept as a pet, the owner of said pet can be charged criminally as well as held responsible for your injuries in a civil lawsuit.
Exotic animal attacks are not just limited to those owned by individuals, either. In 2014 in St. Louis, 18 college students were bitten or scratched on the face and hands by a bear cub owned by a petting zoo brought to Washington University during exam week to ease students’ stress. While no one was seriously injured in the incident, the students spent nearly a week awaiting news of whether they had been exposed to rabies. Under certain circumstances, zoos and animal sanctuaries may also be held liable for injuries caused by their animals.
What About Animal Attacks by Other Pets?

Missouri does not currently have any laws on the books that specifically address injuries caused by other specialty pets, including cats, horses, livestock, rodents, or reptiles. For example, would a horse owner be responsible if their horse injured a neighbor or destroyed their property? What if a friend’s cat scratches your child, leading to a serious infection that puts them in the hospital? Could you collect damages if an escaped boa constrictor wanders into your yard and bites you?
In truth, all of these scenarios could result in injured victims being compensated for their medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering. But in order to secure a fair settlement, you or your attorney will need to prove that the pet owner’s negligence resulted in the injury or wrongful death.
Contact a St. Joseph Animal Attack Lawyer Today
Animal attacks can result in serious, life-altering injuries, including broken bones, soft-tissue injuries, or even traumatic brain injuries. From the family cat to bobcats, pets of all sizes can inflict serious damage. If you or a loved one has sustained injuries from an animal attack, you could be entitled to significant compensation.
To find out if you have a case, contact the St. Joseph animal attack lawyers at Patterson Legal Group. Our team will arrange a free, no obligation consultation to review the details of your case and present you with all your legal options. Call us 24/7 at 816-920-0000, connect with one of our LiveChat agents online, or simply fill out this form to be forwarded to our offices. The call is free, the consultation is free, and no fees unless we win your case.