Will My Insurance Pay for a Car Accident Involving Deer?
Deer season in Kansas typically begins in September and runs through the rest of the year. During this time, you will likely see more wildlife activity while driving. Unfortunately, the increased wildlife activity leads to an increased number of car wrecks involving deer. With deer-vehicle collisions most common in Fall, many people wonder if their insurance will pay for a deer season car accident. The Kansas car accident lawyers at Patterson Legal Group share some information about deer-vehicle crashes and what your insurance company should cover.
Deer Season Car Accident Stats and Information
According to the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT), 556 people were injured and 8 died in deer-vehicle crashes in Kansas during 2019, with the majority of the accidents taking place in Fall. While many of these accidents involved automobiles making direct contact with deer, some of them were a result of people trying to avoid hitting deer. While it’s unfortunate for deer, it’s often safer for you, your passengers, and other motorists if you hit the deer rather than try to avoid it.
Kansas Highway Patrol Lieutenant Candice Breshears said:
If you are unfortunate enough to have a deer enter the highway in front of your car, it is best to hit the animal and not swerve to avoid it. Often, we find more serious crashes occur when you swerve to miss the deer, potentially losing control of your vehicle, leaving the road or veering into oncoming traffic.
Will Insurance Pay for Car Damage If I Hit a Deer?
If you strike a deer with your vehicle and do not damage other property or injure other people then your insurance company may pay for the damage to your car. If your insurance policy includes comprehensive coverage or if you have a full coverage auto insurance (a combination of collision, comprehensive, and/or liability coverage) then you should be eligible for compensation.
What About Medical Bills in a Deer-Vehicle Accident?
Some people mistakenly believe that medical expenses in a Kansas deer season car accident aren’t covered by their car insurance. Medical bills and ongoing treatment should be covered by the personal injury protection (PIP) coverage of your policy. While some states do not require this form of coverage, Kansas is a state where PIP coverage is mandatory.
What If I Crash into Another Vehicle Trying to Avoid Deer?
If you hit another vehicle or multiple vehicles while trying to avoid a deer collision then you would be responsible for damages through your insurance company. This would be handled by your policy’s collision coverage. In addition to being responsible for property damage and injuries caused by your actions, your insurance company may be required to pay for wrongful death expenses. If the total cost of damages exceeds your coverage then you may be liable for the remaining expenses.
Do I Need a Kansas Deer Season Car Accident Lawyer?
Some people do not realize how expensive hitting a deer can be. According to KDOT, “between 2016 and 2019, the average cost per claim was nearly $4,500.” Since deer-vehicle collisions aren’t nearly as common as fender benders, many insurance companies will try to parlay that unfamiliarity into low payouts.
The Kansas car wreck attorneys at Patterson Legal Group can help make sure that you’re fully compensated by your insurance company for an injury accident involving a deer. Our team of seasoned trial lawyers are familiar with the underhanded tactics used by insurance agents. More importantly, we have a proven record of defeating insurance agents and winning high settlements for our clients. Don’t get taken advantage of by the insurance company. Contact Patterson Legal Group and fight back today.
Contact a Kansas Car Crash Lawyer
The team at Patterson Legal Group hopes that you never experience a deer-vehicle collision. Unfortunately, they’re fairly common in Kansas, especially in autumn. Should you or a family member get hurt in a car wreck that involves deer then contact our team today to start your free, no obligation consultation.
You can reach Patterson Legal Group 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone at (888) 687-2400. You can also connect with our team by using this secure contact form or connecting with our LiveChat agents. Our injury lawyers work on a “no win, no fee” basis, so you won’t pay a thing unless money has been recovered on your behalf.
Patterson Legal Group has been representing injury victims in Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma for more than 25 years. Our skilled injury attorneys have recovered more than $250-million in settlements for thousands of clients. If you’re looking for an unmatched combination of high-level legal services and stellar customer care then Patterson Legal Group is the personal injury firm for you.